Unique Characteristics


One of the benefits of having Gen. 0 monsters is the ability to breed.

If desired, a user can choose two Generation 0 monsters and commence a breeding process to get a new monster.

Requirements for breeding:

  1. 2 different Generation 0 Monsters of the same rarity

  2. ARK tokens (TBD the exact amount)

  3. Spark tokens (TBD the exact amount)

The breeding will take a certain amount of time. Depending on the rarity of the monsters

Once the breeding process is finished, the 2 Generation 0 NFTs used to breed will remain in your inventory, and a new Generation 0 Monster NFT will appear. You can only breed 3 times with those same Generation 0 NFTs. The success rate will drop with each time and in a case of a failed breeding one of the Gen. 0 monsters will burn. Success rates: 1st time breeding - 100% 2nd time breeding - 50% 3rd time breeding - 25%


Breeding will randomly generate a new monster with new abilities. The odds of a new unique ability appearing is 50/50. Some abilities will be a blend of 2 standard abilities. Example: wind + water = steam

Crafting Arenas

Only holders of Generation 0 Monsters have the ability to craft Arenas.

Requirements example for Arena crafting (subject to change depending on the arena):

  • Early capsule pass (burns after crafting)

  • 5 Monster NFTs - common, uncommon, rare, ultra, legendary (The same monster can only be used once to craft an Arena, to craft another Arena, you will need to use a new monster)

  • 2 of the 5 have to be a Gen.0 Monsters

  • 30 000 ARK Tokens (amount of tokens is subject to change)

  • 20 000 Spark Tokens (amount of tokens is subject to change)

Last updated